Residents are reminded that they now have to book a slot to take rubbish to the Norwich North recycling centre. This can be done on line here
The Parish Council are satisfied with the verge cutting within the built up areas which has been taken from Norfolk County Council and is now being carried out by a local contractor. They have also agreed to install some “advisory no parking” signs at various points in the village to help maintain the quality of the wide verges and vision splays.
The Council still has access to some funding as a result of the development off Manor Road and they continue to evaluate future projects. Overgrown hedges adjacent to the pavements are still causing problems and residents are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that they are not overhanging and causing a nuisance to passing pedestrians.
As a last resort they can be referred to Norfolk County Council highways Department who have the authority to carry out the work and, if appropriate, pass on the charges.
Three vacancies remain on the Council which has powers to co-opt. Any resident who may wish to be considered should contact the Clerk for an informal discussion on what is involved.
Raymond Browne (Chairman) 24 Waterloo Close
Melanie Rodgers (Vice-Chair) 5 Norwich Road
Barry Coe 9 Abbey Road
Rachel Scarff 19 Beck Lane
Raymond Wilks The Moyse, Mill Street
Stan Cutts 8 Blind Lane
Gail Hegarty 1 Blind Lane
Michael O’Connor 10 West Lane
Christine Quinton 15 Beck Lane
The Clerk to the Council is Jim Graves of 3 Lawn Close, Horsford, Norwich, NR10 3DJ. 01603 898621