19 Aug

Your Community Needs You! 

A big thank you to all the volunteers who turned up last Wednesday 14th August for our 1st Volunteer Day at the Centre.

What a fantastic turn out in the sunshine. Your dedication in helping the Centre look it’s best was invaluable. We focused on trimming the hedges by the entrance ready for the Vintage Day, Clearing the tennis courts used by our members, Litter picking everywhere and Weeding around the children’s play area.

Our well-earned breaks gave us the opportunity to socialise and come up with ideas to feed back to the Committee. Home cooked snacks were provided, yes I love cooking, along with tea, a selection of coffees, hot chocolate & squashes creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Please spread the word and come and join us, on the 2nd Wed of every month, all are welcome.


Come and join us at the Centre on the 2nd Wednesday of each month between 9am and 2pm. We are an enthusiastic team of volunteers looking for new friends of all ages and abilities who are willing to help support our Centre and our Community. 

We are really lucky to live in such a wonderful community with fantastic amenities. If you want to show your support (and meet new people) and are happy helping with a variety of tasks such as gardening, general maintenance, litter picking, hedge trimming (amongst lots of tea drinking and socialising!) please join us.

Contact Fiona Worner on 07972 760629. 

See you all on the following dates:

11th September

9th October

13th November

11th December