I can imagine the following conversation taking place at about 8.30 am on 1-1-1-AD
So, yar om atlast! Yar brakfust har bin reddy thus past two hars. Were yar bin? Har yar bin a mardling in tha Barnin Bush Pub? Har murther stop yar rowin. Nar, I hint bin in thar Barnin Bush. Leastways, not onaway ome. Walthan, wat har yar bin upta? Wera had a rite ol nite, I kin talya.
Thar we wus lookin arter thim thar sheep, like anallways, whan this grit lite cum onus anthan this ear angel wus init. Ar yar grit awl fule, yar fullar squit. Na hi int an just yar a stop yar yakin an gi me a chance wilya. He say ta us ‘Dun’t yar be afrid. I gotta grit nues far yar.
Thars bin a babe born tharal be a king on us awl anul save awl mankind. Than e sez goyar ta a stable in thar city an thar yar’ll see thart thar babe.’ Arter thart thar wus a hule hust onum a singin an a prassin Gawd. Than we did wat e’d say an thar wus a babe.
Yar mus think I wus born yastarda ta barleve yar blather. I talya thart int blather nar squit. Yar askarund whan yar go shopin. ( at this point there was a pause in the conversation then the old shepherd said) I’ll tal yar far nuthan, Thart thar muther int nar moran 15 ar 16 but thar look ar peace onhar an thart thar babe wus sumet alse.
Peter Holness