St. Faiths Centre
About Us
Our Bar
Coming Up
Sports & Activities
Our Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Sauna
Our Outdoor Tennis Courts and Club
Badminton and Soft Tennis
The Snooker Room
Band Practice
Nordic Walking Group
Dog Walking
Vintage Day
Room Hire
Horsham Function Room
Newton Function Room
Margaret's Room
Room Hire Payment
Village News
Funeral Catering
St. Faiths Journal
Our Regular Clubs
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Commitee Meeting Minutes
St. Faiths Centre
About Us
Our Bar
Coming Up
Sports & Activities
Our Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Sauna
Our Outdoor Tennis Courts and Club
Badminton and Soft Tennis
The Snooker Room
Band Practice
Nordic Walking Group
Dog Walking
Vintage Day
Room Hire
Horsham Function Room
Newton Function Room
Margaret's Room
Room Hire Payment
Village News
Funeral Catering
St. Faiths Journal
Our Regular Clubs
Get in Touch
Buy Tickets
Commitee Meeting Minutes
founder members
Listed below are the names of our Founder Members. Over the years, we've said sad farewells to many names in the list but everyone below has played an important part to both the initial and ongoing sucesss of St. Faith Centre.
Colin Quinton
David Rivers
Rosemary Dennis
Malcolm Notley
Dave Razzell
Sally Howe
Margaret Rivers
Tricia Turner
Patience Smith
Gary Matthewson
James Mathewson
Terry Whittred
David Bygrave
Maureen Dicken
Christine Quinton
Bernard Dennis
Andy Notley
Lawson Howe
Kevin Turner
Douglas Smith
Della Matthewson
Janice Whittred
Sylvia Bygrave
John Dickin
Julie Rivers
Kevin Rivers
Arthur Clouting
Olive Clouting
Paul Britcher
Linda Britcher
Simon Britcher
Sara Britcher
Reginald Burdett
Jean Burdett
Margaret Jackson
Violet Britcher
Jennifer Ghafar
Abdul Ghafar
J Hennigan
J Hennigan
Edith Wright
Neil Matthewson
Clive Bloor
Bridget Bloor
Keith Phillips
Brenda Phillips
Derrick Norton
P Yellop
Peter Nicholas
Maureen Nicholas
Darren Nicholas
Jason Nicholas
E Wicks
E Wicks
Lisa Quinton
Donna Quinton
Vincent Moore
Richard Parsons
Rita Parsons
Jack Olley
Doreen Olley
Stephen Olley
Kathy Olley
John Tolan
Harriet Tolan
Margaret Wright
Bill Wright
Elizabeth Notley
Louise Notley
Emma Notley
Eric North
Joan North
Peter North
Christine North
Simon Clark
Julie Clark
Joe Reynolds
Lynda Staff
Leonard Staff
Lucie Staff
Thomas Staff
Susan Watson
David Horne
Robert May
Ann May
Michael Greengrass
Ann Hodson
Sharon Dennis
Craig Dennis
Carl Forder
Ronald Olley
Diane Olley
Linda Ewing
Edward Ewing
Leanne Flynn
Spencer Tout
Edith Tout
Michael Tout
Vic Charville
David Smith
Jane Smith
Violet Thompson
J Broome
T Broome
Ted Cary
Gladys Cary
Winifred Phillips
Michael Green
Yvonne Green
Carl Green
Ian Green
Audrey Matthewson
Jim Young
Lucy Young
Ada Hardman
Frank Scott
Jill Scott
Jonathan Scott
Joan Partridge
Jerry Alden
S Owens
Bill Rumsby
Karin Rumsby
Jacqueline Rumsby
Jamie Rumsby
Alan Smith
Janet Smith
Christopher Smith
Leslie Keeler
Jean Keeler
Richard Keeler
Andrew Keeler
Trudi Gladwell
John Burton
Maureen Burton
Neil Burton
Steven Burtenshaw
Ann Burtenshaw
Dawn Burtenshaw
Carol Burtenshaw
Bill Collier
Val Collier
Carol Collier
Wilfred Mann
Beryl Mann
David Abbs
Sylvia Abbs
Luke Abbs
Elliott Abbs
David Fisher
Judy Fisher
Ivan Fisher
Alex Fisher
David Norton
Jeanette Norton
Mark Norton
Louise Norton
Annette Norton
Malcolm Keeler
Olive Keeler
Hilary Keeler
David Willey
Ann Willey
Andrea Willey
Patricia Peacock
Ted Grummitt
Anne Grummitt
Timothy Grummitt
Sarah Grummitt
Darrell Whittred
Adam Whittred
Douglas Rogers
John Gunton
Janet Gunton
Caralyn Gunton
Terry Gunton
John Gibbs
C Gibbs
Paul Gibbs
Tracey Gibbs
Ralph Newman
Kathleen Newman
Bob Rogers
Evelyn Rogers
Gladys Spencer
Henry Guest
Graeme Turner
Danielle Turner
Tom Evans
Thelma Evans
Neil Howe
A Ewing
E Ewing
G Dorsett
C Dorsett
Richard Dorsett
Peter Dorsett
Jason Dorsett
Damian Dorsett
Geoffrey Scott
Winifred Scott
P Cottrell
Andrew Cottrell
Jane Cottrell
Elizabeth Groome
Gordon Heighway
Eileen Heighway
Mark Collier
Pat Shreeve
Richard Carter
Cheryl Carter
Jason Carter
Justin Carter
P Farrow
L Farrow
Andrew Bygrave
Michael Bygrave
Sandra Stammers
Cyril Stopher
J Cole
M Cole
Richard Hall
Betty Hall
W Millar
Angela Lambert
F Bell
B Bell
Cathy Soloman
Christopher Solomon
Helen Solomon
S Solomon
Trevor Tubby
Sally Tubby
Kevin Rodgers
Sandra Rodgers
Lee Rodgers
Stacey Rodgers
John Jermy
Joan Jermy
Julian Matthewson
Andrew Lambert
Albert Mitchell
Helen Mitchell
George Fenn
Janet Fenn
Simon Fenn
Ray Bunn
Betty Bunn
Sue Bunn
Malcolm McDonnell
Sue McDonnell
John Chapman
Glenis Chapman
Andrew Chapman
Peter Chapman
Barbara Rimmer
Graham Rimmer
Ron Solomon
David Clements
Jean Clements
Jonathan Clements
Trevor Scrivener
Sheila Lewis
Sarah Lewis
Glen Fox
Sandra Fox
Lisa Fox
John Bowhill
Wendy Bowhill
Roy Daniel
Pearl Daniel
Paul Wilkerson
Janet Wilkerson
Ray Rowland
Beryl Rowland
Michael Gower-Poole
Nan Gower-Poole
Nigel Gower-Poole
Roger Graham
Valerie Graham
Daniel Graham
Benji Graham
Nora Moy
Eddie Moy
Gerry Hoggett
Alastair Hardy
Pauline Nelder
M Bryant-Jefferies
P Bryant-Jefferies
R Bryant-Jefferies
E Preston
John Warnes
Pauline Warnes
Gary Warnes
Rachel Warnes
David Warnes
Mary Riley
Judith Duncan
D King
Ray Ives
Muriel Ives
Keith Ives
Paul Ives
Paddy Howe
Greta Howe
Ralph Simpson
Joyce Chapman
Margaret White
Wallace White
Keith Gray
Margaret Gray
Lisa Grey
Len Yaxley
Freda Yaxley
Neil Cary
Linda Cary
Nicholas Farrow
Jill Farrow
Heather Farrow
William Farrow
Roger Farrow
Carole Clayson
Keith Clayson
Rosemary key
Sharon Key
Preston Key
Bryan Shaw
Audrey Shaw
Bernard Lowe
Joan Lowe
Stephen Lowe
Charlie Flood
Audrey Flood
Paul Flood
Zaida Flood
Rhian Flood
James Fiddy
Nicola Howe
George Stephens
J Stephens
Roger Betts
Ann Godfrey
Michael Lovett
Cecil Wright
Janet Wright
Andrew Wright
Stephen Wright
Tanya Shaw
Beverly Claxton
Shaun Claxton
Darrin Claxton
Jason Claxton
Marina Fox
Christopher Danby
Michael Danby
Paul Nightingale
Wendy Nightingale
Sarah Nightingale
Sophie Nightingale
Robert Nightingale
Peter Holness
Linda Holness
Simon Holness
Martin Holness
Terry Flood
Rosemary Flood
Marie Flood
Steven Flood
Marlene Loughton
Jan Loughton
John Fiddy
Barbara Fiddy
Philip Easter
Carol Easter
Helen Eater
Keith Knights
Valerie Knights
Sally Knights
Philip Easton
William Coe
Hazel Coe
Michael Whittred
Margaret Whittred
F Findlay
Pat Heard
Paul Waters
Joy Waters
Louise Waters
David Waters
D Livock
B Livock
Keith Ritchie
Ann Ritchie
Frederick Butler
Gwendoline Butler
Paul Bryant
Christine Bryant
James Hewitt
Mary Hewitt
Louise Hewitt
Ben Hewitt
Andrew Milbourne
Lorna Milbourne
Philip Milbourne
Diane Reynolds
Paul Reynolds
Paul Elsegood
Ann Elsegood
Catherine Elsegood
Mathew Elsegood
Melvyn Powles
Rebecca Powles
Joanne Powles
Louise Knights
Joanne Button
Sarah Knights
David Waller
Carol Waller
Errol Gilbert
Sheila Gilbert
Terrie Bishop
Mark Smith
Lee Smith
Aaron Smith
Elizabeth Smith